Despre îngrijirea mâinilor: O poveste despre frumusețe, sănătate și iubire de sine - NAIL ART STUDIO SRL

About hand care: A story about beauty, health and self-love

Your hands are more than just tools that help you complete your daily tasks. They are an expression of your personality, a mirror of how you take care of yourself and an open book that reveals the first signs of age. From a simple handshake to delicate gestures, your hands speak volumes about who you are and how much you care.

Why do first impressions matter?

Think about an important meeting: a firm handshake, clean and well-groomed hands with an impeccable manicure can make all the difference. Dry, cracked, or gnawed hands can create an unfavorable impression, even if the rest of the outfit is impeccable.

Prevention vs. treatment: It is well known that prevention is easier than cure. Proper hand care can help prevent wrinkles, age spots and other signs of premature aging.

How to take care of your hands at home, here is a simple 9-step guide to taking care of your hands:

  1. Hand washing: Wash with lukewarm water and a mild soap. Avoid overly aggressive soaps that can dry out the skin.
  2. Exfoliation: Exfoliate your skin once or twice a week.
  3. Moisturize: Moisturize your hands after each wash. For intense hydration, before bed, use oilier masks or creams, even hand oil.
  4. Sun protection: Apply an SPF 30 or 50 before leaving the house to prevent premature aging caused by sun exposure.
  5. Cuticle care: Apply cuticle oil regularly morning and night to keep cuticles soft and hydrated.
  6. Masks and occasional treatments: Once a week, apply a hand mask or gloves with hyaluron, collagen or retinol to revitalize the skin.
  7. Use gloves: Wear gloves when doing housework to protect your skin from chemicals or scratches.
  8. Healthy Lifestyle: Adopt a healthy lifestyle with a nutrient-dense diet and adequate hydration.
  9. Limiting excess hot water: Avoid prolonged exposure to hot water.

Hand care goes far beyond the at-home routine, extending to the salon experience. Here, you can benefit from superior expertise and specialized treatments that add extra refinement. The salon experience is not just about the simple act of "doing your nails", but also offers high-quality professional advice, along with personalized treatments that put you in the center of attention. Choose with confidence the manicure style that suits your personality and make sure you go for maintenance at regular intervals, every 3 weeks.

Caring for and moisturizing your hands through in-salon treatments such as paraffin, moisturizing masks or various spas is an essential step in maintaining skin health. Opt for the hand massage, which not only relaxes the muscles, but also improves blood circulation.

The salon experience can be customized to suit your individual preferences. It's your time! Make the most of this time dedicated exclusively to you, enjoying the benefits of these personalized treatments.

Finally, here are the products we recommend for extra indulgence even in the comfort of your home:

  • Body Salt Scrub Cranberry, Body Salt Scrub Vanilla And Thyme
  • StraDerm: StraDerm Ultra Moisturizing Repair Cream, StraDerm Revitalizing Hand Cream – Revitalizing Hand Cream
  • Mokosh: Body Butter Vanilla And Thyme, Moisturizing Body Lotion Sandalwood And Amber, Body Butter Melon And Cucumber
  • Voesh: Hands in a Box, Coollagen Gloves
  • Handy Lab: Extreme Hyaluron Revitalizing Hand Mask, Extreme Retinol Regenerating Hand Mask

Finally, don't forget: hand care is an important gesture of self-love! Turn this habit into a constant practice, both at home and at the salon, just as you did with the habit of brushing your teeth. Your hands need all your attention, because they are the ones that betray you if you don't give them proper care. Take care of them!